Recover From Your Alcohol Addiction
- Do you find you don’t want to go to an event unless alcohol will be served? Do you feel you won’t have fun unless you can drink?
- Have you sometimes failed to keep promises you made to yourself about controlling or cutting down on your drinking?
- When you're sober, do you sometimes regret things you did or said while drinking?
- Are you having more financial, work, school and/or family problems as a result of your drinking?
- Has a family member, close friend or a doctor ever expressed concern or complained about your drinking?
- Do you ever drink heavily when you are disappointed, under pressure or have had a quarrel with someone? Do you blame others for your drinking?
Does this sound familiar?
If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone - and there is real and lasting help in the form of the Sedona Method.
Would you like to reduce your dependence on alcohol? Are you looking for an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous? Do you want to know how to stop drinking? There is hope. Discover the powerful and effective alternative for breaking your alcohol addiction called the Sedona Method.
The Sedona Method has been helping people recover successfully from many forms of addiction since 1973. It is a complete system in itself and is highly complementary to all other forms of addiction help including 12 Step Programs, counseling, therapy, and detox.
"I have no more craving of alcohol and drugs, which, for the last fifteen years have run my life."
Richard P., Boston, MA
Feel your desire to drink dissolve on the spot.
When you perceive you are about to lose control again, simply ask yourself the easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember questions that make up the Sedona Method. You will feel the urgency and tightness leaving your stomach, shoulders and chest. In its place, you will feel ease, relaxation and confidence. You will no longer be the out-of-control victim of your alcohol addiction.
Feeling more relaxed, you will be capable of handling whatever life throws at you more easily. The noise of your mind will subside, and you will have the clarity of mind to say and do what is appropriate and natural in order to master any life situation, including the bad habits and addictive behavior that used to plague you.
You don't have to struggle to break free of addictions anymore.
Although classes, support groups, counseling and therapy do seem to work in helping you move in the direction of breaking your alcohol addiction, you will find there is a better way: the Sedona Method. The Sedona Method will show you how to rid yourself of the inner cause of any unwanted behavior. The Sedona Method is a unique, elegantly powerful and complete system on its own that can also be used to get more out of any other program for alcohol addiction recovery.
"For 20 years I have been a heavy drinker. (9-10 pints a night). The longest period I had managed to go without a drink for was 3 days and that was when I was in the jungle! Now I can have a drink if I feel like it—which mostly I don’t and a ‘heavy’ night’s drinking generally amounts to 1 or 2 bottles of beer. I have achieved my goal of being a sensible drinker and I hardly noticed it happen."
Matt Kanssen, Wraysury, Middlesex, England
Let's examine your alternatives for breaking alcohol addiction:
I. You can attend a class
By employing various mental techniques, classes for breaking habits attempt to help you to see from a different point of view the situations that have caused your habits and then work to change your thinking processes. This can be helpful; however, mental techniques often only mask the true cause of your losing control of your behavior. Most people are unable to maintain these temporary benefits in controlling their alcohol addiction.
II. You can see a counselor.
Seeing a counselor definitely has its benefits. A counselor can sometimes help you to identify the situations that have caused you to lose control and help you to change your thinking processes. But they can’t always easily help you eliminate the inner cause. Also, the process can sometimes be uncomfortable and embarrassing.
III. You can attend a recovery support group.
Attending a recovery support group can be very supportive in breaking your alcohol addiction, but there are drawbacks. Support groups often require you to follow very strict rules and regulations. They also require very long, sometimes lifelong, commitments to attendance and participation. In addition, many support groups are forced to operate in secrecy due to the stigma attached to attending them.
IV. You can get therapy.
Next to the Sedona Method, therapy has the highest likelihood of producing a lasting change in your relationship with your destructive behaviors. However, therapy alone can be a long, costly process.
V. Your key to going beyond managing your addictions - The Sedona Method.
The scientifically proven Sedona Method is an elegant, easy-to-learn, do-it-yourself system that will show you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any negative thought or feeling on the spot—including all forms of addiction. It can be used in life to get immediate relief from the effects of addictive behaviors whenever you feel you are losing control.
The Sedona Method also helps you to easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause this form of self-sabotage to reoccur. As you tap into your natural ability to release, you’ll find that you can let go of whatever it is that is causing you to do things that you later regret.
What is the Sedona Method?
The Sedona Method will show you how to get the most out of any other approach you are using to break your addiction including all of the ones mentioned above.
How does the Sedona Method work?
As you use the Method, you will find over time that the very situations and experiences that you used to find the most exhausting or disturbing will become less and less so, until you may even forget that you used to have those kinds of experiences.
You can use the Sedona Method as an aid to:
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