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Directory of Sedona Method
Instructors and Coaches

Certified Instructors

David Ellzey

    David Ellzey
  • About: In 1987 I began my Sedona Method journey personally improving my life and then becoming a licensed instructor and coach in 1996 giving courses worldwide in Switzerland, Scotland, Brussels, France, The Netherlands, the US, and Mexico. My coaching clients span the globe. My hope is to inspire the direct experience of the freedom and love of unlimited being.
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Occupation: Licensed Sedona Method Instructor and Certified Coach
  • Phone Number: 877-619-1705
  • Contact: Email: info@davidellzey.com
  • Website: www.DavidEllzey.com

Annrika James

    Annrika James
  • About: I was introduced to the Sedona Method by Lester Levenson in 1976 and worked with him as a Sedona Method Instructor for 18 years. This simple, natural approach to releasing stress and limiting beliefs has transformed my life in every area, and it’s been a pleasure sharing it with family, friends and clients for nearly 50 years. My husband Tim McCavitt and I have presented Sedona Method seminars in the U.S., England, Europe, Japan, and Australia. I offer instruction and releasing support for people of all ages through private coaching sessions worldwide.
  • Location: Bellingham, Washington
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Licensed Instructor and Certified Coach
  • Contact: Email: info@sedonareleasingworldwide.com
  • Website: www.SedonaReleasingWorldwide.com

Karyn Klapecki M.D.

    Karyn Klapecki M.D.
  • About: Integrating releasing with mindfulness and meditation has changed my professional life and personal happiness! It has been a blessing to witness the many shifts and transformations in patients and coaching clients! I have been fortunate to share the gifts of releasing in sessions and Retreats internationally. Thank you Lester and Hale.
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Occupation: Physician Family Medicine, Internal Medicine (Geriatrics), and Medical Psychotherapy. Sedona Method Certified Instructor (since 2000) and Certified Coach.
  • Phone Number:1 416 6029799
  • Contact: Email: karyn@inspiredpathways.com
  • Website: www.InspiredPathways.com

Tim McCavitt

    Tim McCavitt
  • About: After meeting Lester in 1978, I've never looked back, making The Sedona Method an integral and invaluable part of my life ever since. It’s been a privilege sharing this simple yet powerful life-changing technique—teaching it worldwide with my wife, Annrika James, in the U.S., England, Europe, Japan, Singapore and Australia. I offer one-on-one private instruction and coaching sessions worldwide, and invite you to have the life you aspire to and discover the simple joy of being.
  • Location: Bellingham, Washington
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Licensed Instructor, Sedona Method Certified Coach, Entrepreneur
  • Contact: Email: info@sedonareleasingworldwide.com
  • Website: www.SedonaReleasingWorldwide.com

Andrea Filip

    Andrea Filip
  • About: Over the past 24 years I’ve enjoyed sharing knowledge, training groups, and creating project with the intention that people live extraordinary, authentic and joyful lives. Since discovering the Sedona Method I realized that releasing suffering, desiring, and the sense of a personal I are, by far, the easiest way to become, get and enjoy whatever is for the Highest and Best. I believe the Sedona Method is the greatest gift to humankind as tool to Self realization, happiness and freedom, and I feel blessed to be able to share it with you.
  • Location: Bucharest, Romania
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Certified Instructor, Author, ThetaHealing Instructor
  • Phone Number: Whatsapp: +40726484235
  • Contact: Email: mail@andreafilip.com
  • Website: www.metodasedona.ro/en, www.andreafilip.com

Sharon Cavanaugh

    Sharon Cavanaugh
  • About: Sharon Cavanaugh coaches people who have invested in themselves, are living a good life, and know it can be even more enjoyable and easeful. We may be thriving in some areas of life while feeling depleted in others. The sooner we bring life in to balance, the better we maintain and expand our health, wealth, relationships, and peace of mind. After a rewarding corporate career at Microsoft, Sharon redesigned her own lifestyle around the activities she loves: skiing, golf, travel and releasing.
  • Location: Florida, Colorado or Bali, Indonesia
  • Occupation: Executive Coach & Co-Founder of The Welcoming Way
  • Contact: Email: sharon@welcomingway.com
  • Website: www.welcomingway.com

Adelia Tambunan

    Adelia Tambunan
  • About: There’s nothing I love more than helping the apparent others discover how their biggest disappointments and setbacks can serve as catalysts for remarkable transformations in both themselves and their lives. I thank my mentor, Hale Dwoskin, who introduced me to the Sedona Method. To this day, I have worked in one-on-one sessions and shared this method with thousands of people internationally. I look forward to supporting you in letting go of the stories that prevent you from all the good things in life and tapping into your natural ability to have the life you love effortlessly.
  • Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Certified Instructor & Best-selling Author
  • Contact: Email: hi@adeaprilia.com
  • Website: www.adeaprilia.com

Wai Hin Chan

    Wai Hin Chan
  • About: The Sedona Method (TSM) found me in 2004 when I was experiencing a health crisis with my pregnancy and TSM became the one steady and reliable tool that has helped me stay afloat in the often tumultuous ocean of life. I retired from an esteemed and progressive career in healthcare that spanned 3 decades (as a physiotherapist, a servant leader, and wholistic administrator) and set up my coaching/consulting practice in 2019. I am now fully immersed in holding space for my fellow human beings as we walk each other home, in the form of 1:1 coaching and group learning. I have a wholistic approach and focus on integrating body and mind while also welcoming the spirit and soul to inform and move each of us towards our birthright of Freedom and Love. We all hold limiting beliefs that get in the way of our dream jobs, optimal health, loving relationships, etc, and it is so much fun (at times, it is also super hard) to support each other to transcend these limitations and find our Ultimate Joy.
  • Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Occupation: Certified Sedona Method Instructor, Certified Co-Active Coach, Certified in women’s neuropsychophysiology, Certified Akashic Records, and member of International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Phone Number:1-416-949-4561
  • Contact: Email: connect@waihinchan.com
  • Website: www.waihinchan.com

Yvonne Spence

    Yvonne Spence
  • About: I have been using the Sedona Method since 2008. Early on, I knew I wanted to support others with this powerful tool. I particularly found its welcoming process to be effedctive when dealing with difficult situations. It also proved effective for letting go of self-criticism and as a support to grow in self-compassion. When coaching, I love to support people to release self-judgments, find self-compassion and kindness and to recognise the love that we all already are. As well as coaching one-to-one, I run support calls, workshops and other events.
  • Location: Edinburgh, UK
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Certified Instructor, Writer
  • Contact: Email: yvonne@yvonnespence.com
  • Website: www.yvonnespence.com

Sedona Method Certified Coaches

Anders Nelson
  • About: I love how freedom continues to unfold...
  • Location: Southern California
  • Occupation: Certified Sedona Method Coach, Performance Coach, Music Teacher
  • Phone Number: 858-386-3981
  • Contact: Skype Name: nellsonic

Annrika James
  • About: I met Lester in 1976 and was introduced to this simple, natural process. I worked with him for 16 years as a Sedona Method Instructor, and now with Hale Dwoskin. Over the past 45 years I have had the privilege of teaching and coaching the Sedona Method worldwide. My husband Tim McCavitt and I have presented Sedona Method seminars in the U.S., England, Europe, Japan and Australia, and give private sessions in over 30 countries.
  • Location: Bellingham, Washington
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Licensed Instructor and Certified Coach
  • Contact: Email: info@sedonareleasingworldwide.com

Arthur Whitney
  • Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Coach
  • Contact: Email: a-sedona@sonic.net

Cheryl Wright
  • About: Certified Sedona Method Coach since 2009. For lots more info, go to my website listed below.
  • Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • Occupation: Life Coach, Energy Healer
  • Phone Number: 617-448-8749
  • Contact: Skype: cwright33; Email: cwright5262@gmail.com

Delilah Praete
  • About: Worldwide personal and professional coach, trainer, 30 years experience
  • Location: New York State
  • Occupation: Psychotherapist, coach, facilitator
  • Phone Number: 845-626-3191
  • Contact: delilahpraete@gmail.com; www.theaccordcenter.net

Fiona Moore
  • About: I’m a Certified Sedona Method Coach, Awakening Coach and Energy Healer with over 30 years of experience in the field of transformation and healing. I help people connect with their true nature to reach their full potential for happiness, success, health and peace. I work with people of all ages, from all walks of life including; coaches, spiritual seekers/practitioners, business owners, executives, artists, parents. I offer a no charge initial conversation to see if we’re a good match for working together.
  • Location: USA. Worldwide coaching online.
  • Occupation: Personal and Professional Coach, Mentor, Consultant.
  • Phone Number: 541-758-2033
  • Contact: Fiona@FionaMoore.com

Jan See
  • About: Found the Sedona Method in 2006 and dropped most other approaches. Still love singing and dancing :)
  • Location: Hamburg, Germany
  • Occupation: Certified Sedona Method Coach and singer
  • Phone Number: 04061189231
  • Contact: Skype Name: Jan.See

Jerome Goldschmidt
  • About: I have been around TSM since 2003. In my experience, there is no equal to this Method. It is exceptional and has been part of my journey pretty much since the first day!
  • Location: Luxembourg
  • Occupation: Certified Sedona Method Coach, Music Educator & Performer
  • Contact: jerome.goldschmidt@gmail.com

Kagan Bayraktaroglu
  • About: Sedona Method Certified Coach, founder of zihinotesi.com, co-founder and partner of Arkinat
  • Location: Istanbul
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Certified Coach, Entrepreneur
  • Contact: bilgi@sedonayontemi.com, www.sedonayontemi.com

Katalina Bardell
  • About: I discovered the Sedona Method 12 years ago and am deeply grateful to Lester Levenson and Hale Dwoskin. I provide coaching sessions via phone (WhatsApp), Zoom, or Skype.
  • Location: British Columbia, Canada
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Certified Coach
  • Phone Number: 1-403-479-7166
  • Contact: Skype Name: katalina.bardell

Kathalynn Hyland
  • About: Author, MSW, Certified Life coach and Certified Sedona Method coach
  • Location: Boca Raton, FL
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Coach, Life Coach and MSW from Columbia University.
  • Phone Number: 203-940-5537
  • Contact: kdavis9797@aol.com

Kimberly Fleck
  • About: Certified Hypnotherapist and Medical Hypnotherapy since 1997, Reiki Master Teacher since 1998, Karuna Reiki Master, Mediator, Certified Sedona Method Coach, Medical Social Work, and Professional Therapist
  • Location: Oregon, USA
  • Occupation: I am a mental health therapist, Certified Sedona Method Coach, and Reiki Master & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
  • Phone Number: 503-798-8042
  • Contact: releasingforfreedom@gmail.com

Liesbeth van Woerden
Liesbeth van Woerden
  • About: I am Liesbeth van Woerden from the Netherlands. I found the Sedona Method in 2006 and have been a certified coach for 15 years now. I have been working with the Method professionally since that date, working with groups and one on one. My specialization is to teach therapists and psychologists how they can best use the method in order to help their patients and clients. I speak English and Dutch and some French and German. Every Monday morning I facilitate a free support group (Dutch), let me know if you’re interested.
  • Location: The Hague, the Netherlands
  • Occupation: Coach, trainer, therapist specialized in releasing
  • Contact: www.Sedona.coach or www.loslaatcoach.nl

Lynne Miller
  • About: I started learning The Sedona Method ® (TSM) in 2005, and in 2006 took my first Facilitator training. I completed the Coaches training in 2010-11. I have used The Sedona Method exclusively in my coaching, working with individuals here in the US as well as internationally. I love the ease, the flow that TSM has given me and allowed me to share with others.
  • Location: Utah, Arizona and Colorado
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Coach, Owner of Intermountain Auto Transport, LLC
  • Contact: lynne0mom@yahoo.com

Margaret Sullivan
  • Location: Baraboo, Wisconsin
  • Occupation: ND, Health Educator
  • Phone Number: 608-356-1120
  • Contact: pegsullivan88@yahoo.com

Marilyn Mull
Marilyn Mull
  • About: I am a licensed Clinical Social Worker as well as a certified Sedona Method Coach. I am also certified in Brainspotting. I have been in private practice in Roseburg Oregon since 1989. I work virtually with clients from all over. If you live in Oregon I may be able to bill insurance for your sessions. My goal has always been to help people free themselves from suffering and gain skills and tools that support them in having the life they want. Since discovering TSM in 2004 it has been the most transformational tool that have ever found. I teach it to all my clients as we work together combining many other techniques, including but not limited to: Brainspotting, Polyvagal informed therapy and inner parts work.
  • Location: Roseburg, Oregon
  • Occupation: Psychotherapist and Coach
  • Phone Number: 541-378-4590
  • Contact: www.marilynmull-counseling-coaching.com  marilynmull.lcsw@gmail.com

Matthew Keschner
  • About: I’ve been working with the Method since 2004, when I had googled “Letting Go” after reading “The Wisdom of Forgiveness” by the Dalai Lama. 
  • Location: New York, NY and Queens, NY
  • Occupation: Certified Sedona Method Coach, Theta Healing Instructor and Practitioner, Diplomat of International Board of Applied Kinesiology, Advanced Level Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Matrix Energetics Study Group Leader and Practitioner, Certified Practitioner of: TBM (Total Body Modification), Natural Healing Systems, Wellness speaker and consultant
  • Phone Number: 917-621-6266
  • Contact: MattyKCoaching@gmail.com

Melanie Smithson
Melanie Smithson
  • About: I am a licensed professional counselor with a master's degree in Somatic Psychology. I blend releasing with the wisdom of the body to effect lasting change. I offer many groups and workshops blending movement, play and releasing and specialize in spiritual growth, relationships, grief and loss, anxiety and depression and goal attainment. I am passionate about play for young and old, believing the creative process to be key to healing and spiritual growth. 
  • Location: Santa Fe, NM and Denver, CO
  • Occupation: Psychotherapist, Coach, Business Owner, Group Facilitator
  • Phone Number: 303-762-8994
  • Contact: www.smithsonclinic.com  melanie@smithsonclinic.com

Milan Slunecko
  • About: Helping individuals and businesses shed their limiting beliefs and discover their unlimited nature. Letting go of whatever attachments and aversions are holding them back from being freedom and abundance that they already are.
  • Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Occupation: Certified Sedona Method Coach
  • Phone Number: +386 51 422 477
  • Contact: info@sedona.si

Osamu Ando
  • About: Osamu Ando is the supervising editor of the Japanese edition of The Sedona Method book. He has been conducting private sessions in Japanese since 2004 and group sessions since 2009 and is an experienced facilitator of a workshop called "Source" which was produced by Voice Workshop Inc. in Japan.
  • Location: Tokyo and Kobe, Japan. Also by Skype, Zoom, or LINE.
  • Occupation: Life coach and workshop facilitator
  • Phone Number: 050-5889-5020
  • Contact: Email: sedona@andoo.info; Website: http://andoo.info/

Reva Seybolt
Reva Seybolt
  • About: I have been a certified Sedona Method Coach since 2009, working successfully with clients on diverse personal and business issues. I particularly love working with aging concerns and exploring the truth of who we are. What if the aging process could be wonderful? I also bring 35 years of energetic healing/bodywork experience which can be combined with your releasing. I am interested in giving you the tools you need for your personal releasing and finding your freedom. I see individual clients and offer small groups. Check out my website.
  • Location: Vermont, USA
  • Occupation: Personal and Business Coach specializing in the Sedona Method
  • Phone Number: 802-685-2244
  • Contact: reva@revaseybolt.com or https://revaseybolt.com/

Sherry Garter
  • About: Laughing and playing through life! Supporting myself and others to look inside for the love that's already here right now!
  • Location: Monmouth, Oregon
  • Occupation: Emotional Educator, Oneness Facilitator, Certified Sedona Method Coach, Certified "One Brain" Fac.
  • Phone Number: 516-330-7935
  • Contact: sherry@innerfocus.pro

Stephen Francis
  • About: Stephen is a coach and consultant focused on leadership development, particularly at traditional, capital-intensive industries. He has practiced the Sedona Method since 2006 and is a Certified TSM Coach.
  • Location: USA
  • Occupation: Consultant & Coach
  • Phone Number: 347-464-8736
  • Contact: Stephen@sacrusconsulting.com

Susan Seifert
Susan Seifert
  • About: I have taught and coached thousands of people world-wide since 1970. My clients tell me they appreciate my ability to support them in gaining greater insights, freedom and achievements effortlessly, with compassion and humor. I am a Certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation and also have certifications in Executive Coaching and Core Transformation. I offer free Sedona Method Support calls via Zoom audio twice a month, and online group coaching seminars using the Sedona Method throughout the year. I also offer one-on-one personal coaching via phone, Whatsapp, Skype, and Zoom. I look forward to supporting you in having the happy, healthy and fulfilling life you desire.
  • Location: Fairfield, Iowa USA
  • Occupation: Personal and professional coach
  • Phone Number: 641-919-8461
  • Contact: www.yoursedonacoach.com  susan@yoursedonacoach.com

Dr. Susanne Kappes
  • About: MD, Psychosomatic Medicine & Psychotherapy, Sedona Method Coach
  • Location: Hannover, Germany, working in person and virtually
  • Occupation: Psychotherapy & coach, clinical supervisor & educator, seminar leader
  • Phone Number: +4951189847221
  • Contact: info@dr-susanne-kappes.de

Theresa Scott
  • About: Sedona Method Certified Coach, Realization Process Nondual Meditation Senior Teacher/Teacher Trainer
  • Location: Norwood, NY
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Certified Coach, Imago Relationship Educator, Leadership consultant
  • Phone Number: 315-566-5123
  • Contact: info@theresascott.net

Thomas Birdsall
  • About: Certified Advanced Sedona Method Coach, Executive Coach
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Occupation: Executive Coach, VP of Executive Performance Consulting at The Sheres Group
  • Phone Number: 202-709-8238

Tim McCavitt
  • Biography: After meeting Lester in 1978, I've never looked back; making TSM an integral part of my life since. I have had the privilege of teaching the Sedona Method worldwide with my wife Annrika James, presenting seminars in the U.S., England, Europe, Japan and Australia. I offer one-on-one private sessions worldwide.
  • Location: Bellingham, Washington
  • Occupation: Sedona Method Licensed Instructor, Sedona Method Certified Coach, Entrepreneur
  • Contact: Email: info@sedonareleasingworldwide.com

Vanessa Morgan
  • Biography: Excited and interested in sharing my experience and coaching skills of The Sedona Method.
  • Location: PO Box 876, Questa, NM 87556
  • Occupation: Acupuncturist, homeopath, and herbalist
  • Phone Number: 970-403-4150
  • Contact: www.selfhealcenter.com