Freedom From Depression
Are you experiencing any of these signs of depression?
- Persistent feelings of sadness, irritability or anxiety
- Overreaction to irritations
- Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, including sex
- Sleep too much, or sleep too little
- Unexpected loss or gain of weight
- Tiredness or restlessness
- Slowed movement, thought and/or speech
- Guilt, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness
- Inability to concentrate and poor memory
- Loss of motivation
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Suicidal thoughts and/or behavior
- Withdrawal from relationships, anti-social behavior
- Physical aches and pains that seem to have no other cause
If you have a few of the symptoms on this list, you may be suffering from a form of clinical depression, and we can help you with a non-drug, non-invasive and cost-effective solution. There is real and lasting help in form of the Sedona Method. The Sedona Method is a powerful tool for letting go of all symptoms of depression.
Feel your depression dissolve on the spot.
When you identify some of the warning signs of depression, simply ask yourself the easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember questions that make up the Sedona Method, and you will feel the heaviness leaving your stomach, shoulders and chest. In its place, you will feel warmth and lightness. You will no longer feel lost and alone. You will feel more alive and cared for even in situations that used to make you feel the most depressed.
The noise of your mind will subside, and your heart will feel more open and healed. You will be able to get out of bed in the morning ready to move into your life with ease.
What is clinical depression?
The term clinical depression refers to any form of depression that requires some form of treatment in order to alleviate it. It is quite normal for people to become depressed when something bad happens, such as the death of a loved one or an end to a relationship. This type of depression normally goes away after some time; but in some cases it persists for much longer. When it lasts for periods of six months or more, it falls under the classification of clinical depression.
"As a 46-year old woman and mother, I have been searching for an answer to the depression I have suffered from since my teen years. I must say I have tried it all, at a heavy expense to my pocketbook. I was not willing to listen to the doctors who said it is incurable and will always be part of who you are. I have been using the method for about a month now and am no longer experiencing feelings of depression. I even made the decision to stop medication for the depression as I began releasing the feelings that were keeping me in that depressive state. This program has far surpassed my expectations. I believe every person on earth should be using it. Thank you for the gift of a program that has shown me how to reclaim my life."
Becky King, Waterloo, IA
You don’t have to be lost in depression anymore.
Recognizing the signs of depression is the first step to understanding what is happening. There are two common treatments for clinical depression: medication and therapy. There is also a third, highly-effective and reasonably priced alternative to both of these approaches called the Sedona Method. The Sedona Method can help you get better, faster results out of whatever treatment program you are currently using. It is a non-drug, non-medical alternative for breaking free of the debilitating effects of all forms of unresolved depression.
Let's examine the alternatives to give you relief from depression:
I. You could medicate yourself.
There are many commonly prescribed drugs for suppressing the symptoms of depression. Drugs do provide temporary relief from depression symptoms, but common side effects range from clumsiness and dizziness to loss of sexual desire, muscle spasms and vomiting.
Some of the drugs used in the treatment of depression can also be quite habit-forming. Some of the side effects of withdrawal from their use include the reoccurrence of all the symptoms that the medication was masking in the first place, plus many extreme reactions like bizarre behavior, convulsions and hallucinations.
These drugs come with a very heavy price to your pocketbook, your self-esteem, your health and your well-being.
II. You can get therapy.
Next to the Sedona Method, therapy has the highest likelihood of producing a lasting change in your relationship with your depression. A therapist will assist you in identifying the warning signs of depression. The problem with therapy alone is it is often a long, costly and painful process that sometimes creates a dependent relationship with the therapist.
III. Are you ready for the natural alternative—the Sedona Method?
The scientifically proven Sedona Method is an elegant, easy-to-learn, do-it-yourself system that will show you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any unwanted feeling, including all forms of depression, on the spot. It can be used in life to get immediate relief of your symptoms whenever the signs of depression arise. The Sedona Method also helps to easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause these feelings to reoccur.
" I had an entire day where I was depression free, and I am hoping for even more gains (I have manic depressive disorder). I have some hope now that I might have a chance to get better by welcoming al my emotions. Years of therapy and dozens of medications have not led to much."
Sandra Taylor, Coronado, CA
How does the Sedona Method work?
As you use the Method, you will find over time that the very situations and experiences that you used to find the most exhausting or disturbing will become less and less so, until you may even forget that you used to have those kinds of experiences.
Many other areas of your life will also improve.
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Please Note: Do not self-diagnose. Depression symptoms can mimic a number of physical illnesses, and it is important that a medical assessment, including clinical tests and diagnosis, are made by your treating doctor/specialist. If you are using any medications for your anxiety, please consult with your physician before changing or discontinuing their use. If you are feeling suicidal please contact a doctor/specialist immediately.