Free Yourself from The Crippling Cycle of Abuse
Do you ever feel as though you need to escape a potentially violent situation or fear for your safety in the presence of someone you know? Has an incident from the past paralyzed your present? Would you be appalled to treat someone else the way that you treat yourself? Are you or someone you know a victim of physical, emotional, psychological or verbal abuse?
If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone—and there is real and lasting help in the form of the Sedona Method. The Sedona Method is a powerful tool for letting go of all trauma, past and present.
"This method has given me a way to let go of a deep-seated sadness stemming from early childhood physical and sexual abuse. I had worked long and hard to ‘rid’ myself of this, yet somehow it always seemed to rear its ugly head in the area of relationships. Now I am able to easily let go and integrate . . . I feel much more connected with a deep, abiding sense of stillness, peace and expansiveness . . . growing into the fullness of Love as I continue on."
Serena Hilton, Las Vegas, NV
The abuse you have suffered does not have to control your life.
When you feel your anxiety or fear acting up or a memory from the past crippling your present, simply ask yourself the easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember questions that make up the Sedona Method, and you will feel the tightness leaving your stomach, shoulders and chest. In its place, you will feel warmth and relaxation.
You will no longer feel tense. The noise of your mind will subside, and your heart will stop pounding in your chest. You will have the clarity of mind to say and do what is appropriate and natural in any life situation. The Sedona Method works for all feelings associated with the trauma of abuse.
You don't have to be a victim anymore.
Typical reactions to abuse can include loss of self-esteem, increased anxiety and depression, choosing unhealthy or potentially dangerous partners, insecurity, and feelings of isolation and shame. The Sedona Method is an alternative to these behaviors. If you are currently in treatment or therapy, the Sedona Method can help you get better, faster results out of whatever program you are currently pursuing. It is a non-drug, non-medical alternative for breaking free of the debilitating effects of all forms of abuse.
The scientifically proven Sedona Method is an elegant, easy-to-learn, do-it-yourself system that will show you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any unwanted feeling, including the pain of abuse and all of its associated emotions, on the spot. The Sedona Method can be used to get immediate relief of your symptoms whenever they occur. The Sedona Method also helps you to easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause these feelings and situations to reoccur in your life.
As you use the Method, you will find over time that the very situations and experiences that you used to find the most painful or disturbing will become less and less so, until you may even find that they no longer have an impact on your life.
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the hundreds of thousands of people just like you who have radically changed
their lives for the better with The Sedona Method.
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